massage therapyA Pampered Experience

Each massage includes our unique pampering touch.

  • Our massage table has a fleece warming pad as the base layer.
  • A steamed towel is used on your feet and neck, at the end of your massage.
  • Relaxing music, and aromatherapy candles make your massage an experience you can’t wait to come back to.

“Brian is an amazing massage therapist! I have worked with many over the years, and he is the best of many wonderful qualities that I seek in a wellness professional. His technique is superb and he listens well. He is deeply caring and sensitive, and always keeps the client’s needs front and center. I highly recommend him!”

Marijo Puleo, PhD.

Massage Therapy Services

Schedule$80.00 per 60 minute session
$110.00 per 90 minute session
$140.00 per 120 minute session

  • Clinical massage: making functional changes to the soft tissue for the purpose of restoring movement and reducing pain.
  • Swedish massage: full body massage designed to promote relaxation, flexibility, and relieve stress
  • Sports massage: pre-event and post-event work
  • Hydrotherapy: use of heat and cold applications to revitalize, maintain, and restore health to injured tissues
  • Myofascial Release: myofascial trigger point therapy is a technique that provides relief for unexplained pain and discomfort due to restrictions and adhesions of our body’s connective tissue
  • Deep Tissue Massage: uses deeper pressure to relieve chronic muscle tension
    • Trigger point therapy
    • Tender point therapy
    • Muscle stripping
    • Friction

Trigger Point Therapy

What are trigger points? Trigger points are discrete, focal, hyperirritable spots in a taut band of skeletal muscle. Acute trauma or chronic micro trauma results in stress on muscle fibers, leading to development of these painful “knots.” Clients often complain of localized and referred pain that is persistent, and results in decreased range of motion to the muscles involved. When firm pressure is applied directly to this site, the client will complain of pain at the site, and/or a radiation of pain toward a specific region. Clients may experience headaches, ringing in the ears, jaw pain, and back pain. Often there is difficulty sleeping.


  1. The client is evaluated for predisposing or aggravating factors such as chronic overuse, or a stress injury
  2. Pharmacologic measures to help control pain and reduce inflammation may be prescribed by your physician.
  3. Non-pharmacologic measures within the practice of massage therapy include application of heat or ice, manual therapy, and stretching:
    • I will likely isolate the trigger point, and initially apply gentle massage to the surrounding tissue.
    • Significant pressure is then applied and held while I assess your pain level, and any radiation of pain. More gentle massage is then used in this entire region.
    • Passive stretching of affected muscles as appropriate
    • If necessary, cold application may be applied.
    • Self-care instructions will be given to enhance your recovery

Client Goals:

  1. Relief from pain and discomfort
  2. Better range of motion to affected area
  3. Improved sense of well-being
  4. More restful sleep

Tender Point Therapy

What are tender points? Tender points are areas of local tenderness occurring in muscle, a muscle tendon junction, or bursa. Generally, this is considered to be a region near or in a joint. Upon application of pressure, there is no referred pain. The client generally experiences a general total body increase in pain sensitivity.


  1. After locating the tender point with my finger, I will gently place the affected body part in a position of ease / comfort as I monitor the tension of the trigger point.
  2. You will be asked a series of questions regarding any increase or decrease in tenderness. This allows me to assess any changes occurring in tissue tension.
  3. I will then hold this position for a short time, and will adjust my pressure on the point accordingly.
  4. I will then slowly return the affected region to the original position.
  5. This may be repeated 1-2 more times as needed.

Client Goals:

  1. Minimal or no tenderness to the corresponding point

Muscle Stripping Therapy- What is it?

This technique involves deep tissue manual therapy as a way to clear out the adhesions (scar tissue) formed in muscle fibers. Very slow, firm, and deep movements are applied to the affected area, using the thumbs, elbows, or knuckles. The motion simulates “stripping” of the muscle. The primary function of this technique is to elongate the muscle fibers, allowing them to resume their correct anatomical position, and eliminates the “knots” present. These “knots” can appear after incorrectly healed or untreated past injury.

This technique has also been used in athletes as a way to accelerate recovery after an event, or as a pre-event ‘tune-up.’ The goal here is to ‘loosen up’ the muscles to allow for peak performance and recovery.

Friction—What is it?

This technique is used mainly on ligament or tendon injuries to help break down scar tissue. Using fingers, pressure is applied in a circular motion directly across the affected area. This is done for about 3-5 minutes, followed by cold application. Generally, this needs to be done several times – the severity of injury determines how quickly healing will occur. As scar tissue is broken down, the client will notice a decrease in pain, with the goal of complete relief. When this can be done in the early stage of injury, often only a few sessions are needed to achieve optimal pain relief.

Clinical Massage

young man at an office with a sore neck from working at a computer for so longClinical Massage is concerned with making functional changes to the soft tissue for the purpose of restoring movement and reducing pain.

What types of things can Clinical Massage Treat?

  • Nerve entrapments such as thoracic outlet syndrome and symptoms similar to those of carpal tunnel syndrome and sciatica
  • Frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis)
  • Trigger points and muscle spasms
  • Mitigation of symptoms caused by sports injury and trauma such as whiplash
  • Tendonitis and tendinosis
  • Muscle imbalances caused by repetitive motions and postural imbalances
  • Joint pain

What techniques are used with clinical massage treatment?

  • Active release therapy – designed to treat muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, connective tissue and nerves. It is a movement-based manual therapy that helps restore range of motion, break up scar tissue, release muscle adhesions, increase blood flow and reduce chronic and acute pain.
  • Myofascial release – involving the engagement of muscles and fascia through the use of slow, manual manipulation of soft tissue. Beneficial for a wide range of musculoskeletal issues.
  • Percussion therapy – through the use of a vibration tool to temporarily disrupt the pain signals. This allows for other manual therapies to be employed, and hopefully result in some pain relief and flexibility to the affected tissue.
  • Self care education – involves client participation in a plan of care outside of the clinical setting. Stretching and other simple exercises are reviewed, with the goal of restoring movement and flexibility to targeted areas.

Brain is a certified medical massage practitioner since December 2019, having trained with Dr. Ross Turchaninov at the Science of Massage Institute. One of Brian’s cases was published in this physician’s journal under “Case of the Month” – click here to view the case study.

  • Clinical Integration: site specific to reduce pain and facilitate healing for injured muscles
  • Postural Analysis:
    • Evaluation and analysis of the body’s anatomical alignment.
    • Application with regard to medical history, lifestyle and activities of daily living.
    • Recommendations for treatment and self-care.

Clinical integration allows for the therapist to review the client’s health history, discuss current physical “trouble spots,” evaluate the client’s functionality / limitations, and develop a management plan.  Appropriate massage techniques will be applied. Finally, self-care instructions are discussed with the client.

This appointment allows for a lengthy dialogue between therapist and client, prior to any actual hands on massage. Together, various options are discussed. A plan is developed, and usually incorporates a significant amount of independent ‘work’ (self-care) by the client at home. Generally, advice and direction is needed on how to best achieve optimal functioning.  While there is usually an overriding issue that brings the client here, it may be very isolated and require a minimum ‘hands-on’ contribution by the massage therapist. Clients are often seeking to make a long-term lifestyle change specific to their particular situation.

two men performing chair back massage in silhouette studio on white backgroundCorporate Chair Massage

Many companies realize the increased productivity and creativity benefits from regular massages. Brian can bring his massage chair to perform your massage right at your office if you wish. Contact Brian to make massage therapy a part of your high performance routine.

Hospice Care

A program providing for the physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual needs of those approaching death. The basic purpose is to enhance quality of life, regardless of the expected duration of that life. According to National Hospice Organization literature, the primary goal is to help individuals who are coping with diseases considered to be terminal or incurable to live as fully and comfortably as possible, in familiar surroundings, and in the company of family and friends. (AMTA) The emphasis is on holistic care and alternative/non-traditional modalities are often included in the ‘plan of care’ for the client.

What to Expect for Your First Appointment

Please allow an additional 15-30 minutes. I will ask you to fill out a health questionnaire. We can then discuss what benefits you hope to achieve with this massage. It may be simply relaxation, or relief from specific painful or tender areas that have been particularly bothersome. I will tailor the plan to your specific needs.

You will be given privacy to dress to your comfort level, and position yourself on the therapy table. The room will be dimly lit, and at a comfortable temperature. You will be appropriately draped with a sheet, towel, and/or blanket at all times, except for the area being massaged. I will periodically check with you to ensure that I am using an appropriate level of manual pressure. At the conclusion of your massage, you will again be given privacy to dress.

You will be encouraged to drink plenty of water to help eliminate toxins that are released during the massage.

I had a truly wonderful massage experience with Brian. He kept me well-informed about what he was doing during the treatment and remained very professional. He made it very comfortable and enjoyable all the way around. I highly recommend Brian for massage therapy!

– Paige Collins


  • Senior Citizen Discount:  20% off for those 65 and older.
Schedule a Massage